SPSS PASW Statistics 18.0 | 317 Mb
PASW Statistics 18 (formerly SPSS Statistics) puts the power of advanced statistical analysis in your hands. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced statistician, its comprehensive set of tools will meet your needs. Enjoy many new capabilities, plus greater flexibility in how you use this comprehensive set of tools. Solve business and research problems using the premier statistical software product for data management and analysis.
What's New in PASW Statistics
- The PASW Bootstrapping module will make it easy for analysts to use this valuable technique
- The PASW Direct Marketing module will enable marketers to run key analyses on their own
- A new product, PASW Statistics Developer, will make it easy to work with R and share procedures with others
- Improved automation: The Automated Data Preparation feature (in PASW Data Preparation) detects and corrects quality errors in one efficient step.
- New analysis and reporting
- New nonparametric tests (in PASW Statistics Base)
- Post-computed categories (in PASW Custom Tables)
- Significance tests (in PASW Custom Tables)
- Rule checking in Secondary SPC Charts (in PASW Statistics Base)
- Improved architecture and technology
- Improved performance and display for large pivot tables for all modules
- Enhanced Model Viewer allows for interactive visualizations for Two Step Cluster analysis and Nonparametric tests (in PASW Statistics Base), and Automated Data Preparation (in PASW Data Preparation)
- Improved performance of commonly used procedures such as Frequencies, Crosstabs, Descriptive statistics (in PASW Statistics Base Server)
- Additional support of 64-bit hardware on Windows and Mac platforms
Improved Research Tools
* Codebook procedure (PASW Statistics Base)
* Improved Syntax Editor (PASW Statistics Base)
* Multiple Imputation for missing values (PASW Missing Values)
* Nearest Neighbor analysis (PASW Statistics Base)
* Improved Categorical Regression Predictions Within CATREG (PASW Categories)
* Median Function and Lead Function to COMPUTE and Lead to IF (PASW Statistics Base)
* Aggressive Versus Conservative Rounding in COMPUTE (PASW Statistics Base)
* Extend PASW Statistics' Spell-Check Capabilities to Include Text Strings in Data (PASW Statistics Base)
Improved Reporting Tools
* More Control Over Output When Exporting to Microsoft Office (PASW Statistics Base)
* Improved Visualization Capabilities with Graphboard (PASW Statistics Base)
* iGRAPH Conversion Utility (PASW Statistics Base)
* More Accessible to Generalists and Business Users
* PASW EZ RFM for Recency, Frequency and Monetary Analysis (New add-on)
Operating system:
Microsoft Windows XP (Professional, 32-bit) or Vista® (32-bit or 64-bit), Windows 7
- Intel® or AMD x86 processor running at 1GHz or higher
- Memory: 1GB RAM or more recommended
- Minimum free drive space: 800MB***
- DVD drive
- Super VGA (800x600) or higher-resolution monitor
For connecting with PASW Statistics Server, a network adapter running the TCP/IP network protocol
Web browser: Internet Explorer 6 or 7
Penjelasan Indonesia :
Sejak akhir tahun 2009, SPSS diakuisisi oleh IBM, dengan nama baru IBM SPSS, versi terbaru ini dinamakan PASW Statistics 18.
Akuisisi IBM menunjukkan kepopuleran dan kemapanan SPSS sebagai program statistik papan atas dunia. Kemajuan teknologi informasi, khususnya pengembangan software seperti SPSS, memang telah menyebabkan pengolahan data statistik menjadi lebih cepat dan mudah, tanpa mengurangi ketepatan hasil outputnya.
Untuk memudahkan pemahaman, pada setiap topik disertai contoh kasus; mulai dari cara memasukkan data suatu kasus statistik ke dalam SPSS, bagaimana cara SPSS mengolahnya dengan prosedur statistik tertentu, dan kemudian cara menafsir hasil output SPSS.
Jadi buat yang lagi sekolah atau kuliah dan ada pelajaran statistiknya,software ini cocok banget buat kalian...

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