God of War 1 PC GAME
The dark times of Ancient Greece … No one and nothing can stop the war god Ares, voznamerivshegosya destroy the great Athens. Even the keeper of city-goddess Athena Pallas, the daughter of Zeus gromoverzhtsa not be able to violate the prohibition of the father – not the gods fighting each other. Kratos, a mighty son of Sparta, a former warlord, – only he can stop the destruction.
Who gave his life to Ares in exchange for a victory over the barbarians, he turned into fury blinded merciless servant, which is the name of the owner razed the city and people. It is time to shed the shackles, freedom to acquire and restore the world, carrying out the impossible – killing an immortal god …
Kratos is armed with two swords of chaos, his hands chained to the hero. The long and dangerous path awaits Spartans. His goal – a Pandora’s box, encouraging terror, even in the gods. Only with the help of his courageous death will be able to free themselves from eternal slavery – to defeat Ares and save Athens from imminent death.
Combined movements, techniques and strokes never before had such severe and indiscriminate violent. Any attack Kratos can result in a bloody river, turbulent flow which lose only when all the enemies before poverzheny single.
In traveling Kratos meets Gorgon Medusa, Cyclops, Minotaur, harpy, Titans, and other mythical creatures and monsters. Enjoy Aegean Sea, Athens, the kingdom of the dead, lost souls Desert, Olympus and other places and characters familiar myths of ancient Greece. The player to climb the mountain cliff, to swim rivers, climb on the perpendicular walls, fight with thousands of enemies and solve various puzzles.

Game Successfully Completed on:
RAM: 2 GB of RAM
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x86
GRAPHICS CARD: Nvidia Geforce 9400GT
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 Running @ 2.93GHz
RAR Password: rapidlinksbyannu.blogspot.com
Mediafire Password: rapidlinksbyannu
PCSX2 Emulator:
RAR Password: rapidlinksbyannu.blogspot.com
Mediafire Password: rapidlinksbyannu
RAR Password: rapidlinksbyannu.blogspot.com
Mediafire Password: rapidlinksbyannu
**Put Bios Folder in "C:\Users\NAME\Documents\pcsx2"**
Config Manuals and Settings:
RAR Password: rapidlinksbyannu.blogspot.com
Mediafire Password: rapidlinksbyannu
Step 1: Download Game, Emulator and BIOS from above links.
Step 2: Install "Pcsx2.exe"
Step 3: Put Bios Folder in "C:\Users\NAME\Documents\pcsx2"
Step 4: Configure emulator. (Download "Config Manuals and Settings").
Step 5: Select God of War 2 ISO (CDVD --> Iso Selector --> Browse...).
Step 6: Navigate to "System --> Boot CDVD (fast)"
Step 7: Press F4 if you are getting more than 60 Frames per second.
Step 8: Press ALT+ENTER to switch to Full Screen.
Step 9: Play & Enjoy.
Follow these steps to configure your gamepad:
1). Press the button "Clear All" at the bottom of gamepad setting window.
2). Press "Square" on the right side of game setting window by your mouse pointer and then press the button you want to assign on your gamepad immediately.
3). Follow the step 2 for All Buttons given on right side of Gamepad Settings window.
4). Now press OK.
Plug in your gamepad before starting the emulator.
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